internet beatles recording index: Within You Without You (Harrison)

internet beatles recording index: Within You Without You (Harrison)

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[ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

[ COVER ARTISTS -> | [0-9] | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Producer(s): George Martin                 
Engineer(s): Geoff Emerick   Richard Lush  
first released on Thu 01 Jun, 1967 on the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in the UK
title | author | covers | lyrics | noteson | oops

Click here to hear the spinalcracker version of this song.
George Harrison Lead Vocal    Other instances where George Harrison provided Lead Vocal
George Harrison Sitar    Other instances where George Harrison provided Sitar
George Harrison Harmonium [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where George Harrison provided Harmonium
Brian Jones Sitar [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Brian Jones provided Sitar
George Harrison Acoustic Guitar    Other instances where George Harrison provided Acoustic Guitar
Natver Soni Tabla    Other instances where Natver Soni provided Tabla
P.D. Joshi Swordmandel    Other instances where P.D. Joshi provided Swordmandel
Amrat Gajjar Dilruba    Other instances where Amrat Gajjar provided Dilruba
Brian Jones Tamboura [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Brian Jones provided Tamboura
George Harrison Tamboura    Other instances where George Harrison provided Tamboura
Neil Aspinall Tamboura    Other instances where Neil Aspinall provided Tamboura
Erich Gruenberg Violin    Other instances where Erich Gruenberg provided Violin
Alan Loveday Violin    Other instances where Alan Loveday provided Violin
Julien Gaillard Violin    Other instances where Julien Gaillard provided Violin
Paul Scherman Violin    Other instances where Paul Scherman provided Violin
Ralph Elman Violin    Other instances where Ralph Elman provided Violin
David Wolfsthal Violin    Other instances where David Wolfsthal provided Violin
Jack Rothstein Violin    Other instances where Jack Rothstein provided Violin
Jack Greene Violin    Other instances where Jack Greene provided Violin
Brian Jones Cello [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Brian Jones provided Cello
Reginald Kilbey Cello    Other instances where Reginald Kilbey provided Cello
Allen Ford Cello    Other instances where Allen Ford provided Cello
Peter Beavan Cello    Other instances where Peter Beavan provided Cello
Stuart Eltham Abbey Road Sound Effects Volume 6    Other instances where Stuart Eltham provided Abbey Road Sound Effects Volume 6

Lyrical References:
References Death
References Peace Of Mind
References Self Improvement
References The Bible
References Universal Love
References Peace

  • This song was recorded in the key of C Major

  • [Home Contributing Artists Index | Bibliography | About these links | View Statistical Data | Friends of I.B.R.I. ]

    [ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

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