internet beatles recording index: Strawberry Fields Forever (Lennon/McCartney)

internet beatles recording index: Strawberry Fields Forever (Lennon/McCartney)

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[ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

[ COVER ARTISTS -> | [0-9] | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Producer(s): George Martin   David Harries              
Engineer(s): Geoff Emerick   Phil McDonald   David Harries  
first released on Fri 17 Feb, 1967 as a single in the UK
title | author | chart | covers | lyrics | noteson | oops

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John Lennon Lead Vocal    Other instances where John Lennon provided Lead Vocal
John Lennon Backing Vocal    Other instances where John Lennon provided Backing Vocal
John Lennon Rhythm Guitar    Other instances where John Lennon provided Rhythm Guitar
Paul McCartney Rickenbacker 4001S-LH Bass Guitar    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Rickenbacker 4001S-LH Bass Guitar
George Harrison Lead Guitar    Other instances where George Harrison provided Lead Guitar
Paul McCartney Mellotron    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Mellotron
Paul McCartney Piano    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Piano
Paul McCartney Hand Claps [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Hand Claps
Malcolm Evans Hand Claps [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Malcolm Evans provided Hand Claps
Malcolm Evans Tambourine [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Malcolm Evans provided Tambourine
Paul McCartney Timpani    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Timpani
George Harrison Timpani    Other instances where George Harrison provided Timpani
George Harrison Swordmandel [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where George Harrison provided Swordmandel
Paul McCartney Bongos    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Bongos
George Harrison Bongos    Other instances where George Harrison provided Bongos
Brian Jones Bongos [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Brian Jones provided Bongos
Brian Jones Tabla [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Brian Jones provided Tabla
Brian Jones Harp [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Brian Jones provided Harp
Brian Jones Hand Claps [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Brian Jones provided Hand Claps
George Martin Organ [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where George Martin provided Organ
George Martin Electronic Percussion [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where George Martin provided Electronic Percussion
Neil Aspinall Gourd Shaker [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Neil Aspinall provided Gourd Shaker
Ringo Starr Maracas    Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Maracas
Paul McCartney Cymbals [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Cymbals
Ringo Starr Cymbals    Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Cymbals
Ringo Starr Ludwig Drums    Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Ludwig Drums
Ringo Starr Percussion [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Percussion
Ringo Starr Hand Claps [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Hand Claps
Tony Fisher Trumpet    Other instances where Tony Fisher provided Trumpet
Greg Bowen Trumpet    Other instances where Greg Bowen provided Trumpet
Derek Watkins Trumpet    Other instances where Derek Watkins provided Trumpet
Stanley Roderick Trumpet    Other instances where Stanley Roderick provided Trumpet
John Hall Cello    Other instances where John Hall provided Cello
Derek Simpson Cello    Other instances where Derek Simpson provided Cello
Norman Jones Cello    Other instances where Norman Jones provided Cello

Lyrical References:
References Composer Personal Experience
References Drugs
References Geographical Location

  • This song was recorded in the key of A Major

  • [Home Contributing Artists Index | Bibliography | About these links | View Statistical Data | Friends of I.B.R.I. ]

    [ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

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