internet beatles recording index: Magical Mystery Tour (Lennon/McCartney)

internet beatles recording index: Magical Mystery Tour (Lennon/McCartney)

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[ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

[ COVER ARTISTS -> | [0-9] | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ]

Producer(s): George Martin                 
Engineer(s): Geoff Emerick   Richard Lush   Malcolm Addey  
first released on Fri 08 Dec, 1967 on the EP release Magical Mystery Tour in the UK
title | author | covers | lyrics | noteson
Paul McCartney Spoken Passage [Thanks to Ron Leberte!] Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Spoken Passage
Paul McCartney Lead Vocal    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Lead Vocal
John Lennon Backing Vocal    Other instances where John Lennon provided Backing Vocal
Paul McCartney Backing Vocal    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Backing Vocal
George Harrison Backing Vocal    Other instances where George Harrison provided Backing Vocal
John Lennon Rhythm Guitar    Other instances where John Lennon provided Rhythm Guitar
Paul McCartney Rickenbacker 4001S-LH Bass Guitar    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Rickenbacker 4001S-LH Bass Guitar
George Harrison Rhythm Guitar    Other instances where George Harrison provided Rhythm Guitar
Paul McCartney Piano    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Piano
John Lennon Tambourine [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where John Lennon provided Tambourine
George Harrison Cowbell [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where George Harrison provided Cowbell
Paul McCartney Maracas [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Maracas
Ringo Starr Ludwig Drums    Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Ludwig Drums
Neil Aspinall Percussion [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Neil Aspinall provided Percussion
Ringo Starr Tambourine [Thanks to Ken!] Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Tambourine
Stuart Eltham Abbey Road Sound Effects Volume 36    Other instances where Stuart Eltham provided Abbey Road Sound Effects Volume 36
John Lennon Percussion    Other instances where John Lennon provided Percussion
Paul McCartney Percussion    Other instances where Paul McCartney provided Percussion
George Harrison Percussion    Other instances where George Harrison provided Percussion
Ringo Starr Percussion    Other instances where Ringo Starr provided Percussion
Malcolm Evans Percussion    Other instances where Malcolm Evans provided Percussion
Neil Aspinall Percussion    Other instances where Neil Aspinall provided Percussion
David Mason Trumpet    Other instances where David Mason provided Trumpet
Elgar Howarth Trumpet    Other instances where Elgar Howarth provided Trumpet
Roy Copestake Trumpet    Other instances where Roy Copestake provided Trumpet
John Wilbraham Trumpet    Other instances where John Wilbraham provided Trumpet

Lyrical References:
References Driving-Riding-Vehicle

  • This song was recorded in the key of E Major

  • [Home Contributing Artists Index | Bibliography | About these links | View Statistical Data | Friends of I.B.R.I. ]

    [ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

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