internet beatles recording index: Composer's Notes on No Reply

internet beatles recording index: Composer's Notes on No Reply

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[ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

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title | author | covers | lyrics | noteson | oops
  • John Lennon (in 1972) - "I remember (Beatles music publisher) Dick James coming up to me after we did this one and saying, 'You're getting better now-- that was a complete story.' Apparently, before that, he thought my songs wandered off."
  • John Lennon (in 1980) - "That's my song. That's the one where Dick James the publisher said, 'That's the first complete song you've written that resolves itself,' you know, with a complete story. It was sort of my version of 'Silhouettes.' (sings) 'Silhouettes, silhouettes, silhouettes...' I had that image of walking down the street and seeing her silhouetted in the window and not answering the phone, although I never called a girl on the phone in my life. Because phones weren't part of the English child's life."
  • Paul McCartney (in 1994) - "We wrote 'No Reply' together but from a strong original idea of his. I think he pretty much had that one, but as usual, if he didn't have a third verse and the middle-eight, then he'd play it to me pretty much formed. Then we'd shove a bit in the middle or I'd throw in an idea."

title | author | covers | lyrics | noteson | oops
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[ SONGS RELEASED IN | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 ]

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